Monday, July 22, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Ok so I did a mini inventory of the freezer and we indeed will not starve this week, lol

Our menu for the week will be

Tonight: Italian Sausages, Brats and sauteed onions over rice with green beans on the side

The rest of the week in no particular order will be:

Grilled Burgers on Hm Hamburger Buns,  fresh tomatoes and cukes from the garden, garlic roasted potatoes

Baked Chicken Pieces, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn

Stromboli/pepperoni rolls

 Alfredo over Penne Pasta, Grilled or Sauteed Cajun Shrimp for those who like it and leftover baked chicken for those who don't!! and probably broccolli    

Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without

That's my mantra this week!! We are a week away from payday and that means funds are extremely low, and there will be no unnessassary spending. What we have moneywise will be needed to make sure the hubs can get back and forth to work and with gas prices...well you get the idea. So what we have on hand is what we have and that's that. The only thing I can imagine we would need is sugar, eggs and TP.

So its treasure hunt day, lol I need to get in my freezer and see what we have and then come up with a menu plan based on whats in there.

Am I worried?? Nah, not really. We might not have exactly what everyone wants for meal times but we won't starve by any stretch of the imagination and its good to use up what you have on hand so as not to let anything fall by the wayside and get freezer burnt and become unedible.

So it might be Menu Monday but I can't form a menu till I know what I've got on hand and come up with a plan on what to do with it!! So I'll be back!!!

Enjoy your day!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Ok so here's the deal.... I love mexican food. Notice I said I, and there is no I in team which as you guessed means I am the only one in my family that loves, loves, LOVES mexican food. Sad isn't it?? Oh well, you gotta work with what you got and well I need to find a way to get my foodie fix without it causing disturbance in the family force!! And it would help if it didn't cost me an arm and a leg too ya know??

What I normally do is shamefully buy those .89 frozen burritos and stash them in the freezer till it get the itch for mexican food and then devour them!! I know they're bad for me, I know they are loaded with umpteeen grams of fat and gazoodles of chemicals and such but a girls gotta get her foodie fix right??

So I've had this idea...ya know the one where I just whip them up myself and well I'm gonna jump in feet first and give it a whirl.

I've looked all over the web for recipes and ideas and decided it is time!!!

And in true nature of myself I am going about this adventured as cheap as possible and will be using some leftovers and hoping that it turns out fantastic.

So here is what I did:

Last week I bought some super thin sliced beef steaks and cooked them up to make Steak and cheese subs the other day. My kids were happy just to eat the steak as is with a side of fries thank you very much. The hubs and I went all in and had steak and cheese subs with all the fixings- Lettuce tomato and onion on his, Lettuce tomato, onion, grilled mushrooms and grilled onions on mine- both with a side of fries- SUPER YUM!!! We'd never bought this kind of steak before and took a gamble on it working well as steak subs. Definately something we will do again. It will be added to the menu list!!

But I've got leftover cooked thin sliced steaks!! Not enough for a whole meal for all 5 of us, not even enough for lunch for the 3 kids and myself but too much to just forget about so I saved it till I could come up with a way to use it up.

Also last week the kids asked for tacos/nachos- not normal mexican fare but Americanized Box Kit kind of tacos- which is essentially the only "mexican" type food they will eat.  I hurridly picked up a couple boxes of taco shells while I was out shopping with the littles and then booked it home to get dinner on the table. Turns out those boxes of taco shells that I thought were a bit pricier than when I bought them the last time we had tacos at home like 8 months ago- see told you mexican was a not a fave here. Well it turns out they were pricier for a reason and the reason is I bought a whole dinner kit not just a box of taco shells. So yep I've got the dinner kit stuff leftover ( the seasoning and the salsa pack)

Enter: My idea for some DIY Beef and bean burritos

So today I've got 1/2 pound of pinto beans cooking in a semi big pot, I've also cut up the leftover steak into smallish pieces and threw it into the pot as well. I added a bit of salt and a good couple of grinds of the pepper shaker and I'm going to let it cook until the beans are good and soft, the beef is shredded and the water is all but gone, once the water level drops to just about nothingness I'll add a finely chopped onion and some finely chopped garlic and let it simmer and cook all together till everthing is done then I'll remove from the heat, add some of the taco seasoning and some of the salsa which is leftover from the kit and then I'll assemble me some beef, bean and cheese burritos. I can hardly wait!! And since I am the only one in this house who will eat such a thing I know I'll be adding some of these yummy burritos to the freezer for future lunches.

How awesome is that??? Leftovers used up, convience foods made for the freezer, and I'll be able to get my foodie fix!!

WIN, WIN, WIN!!! Or should that be YUM, YUM, YUM!!! ??

Probably a little of both!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Menu Plan MONDAY 6/24-6/30

Its MONDAY, yep that's right I made it for Menu plan Monday on MONDAY, not Tuesday like normal, but its MONDAY and here I am!!!  Yay Me!!  LOL

And here is my Menu for this week:

Tonight we are having Chicken and Dumplings made from leftover chicken that I made for dinner yesterday

Tuesday: Burgers on the grill, garlic roasted potatoes. We were supposed to have these over the weekend but two days of yard work back to back and we were DONE so I made hotdogs instead, quick easy and filled a hole, lol

Wednesday: Baked Fish, rice and a veg- probably broccolli but I'm not sure yet

Thursday : Nachos/Taco Salad and dirty rice

Friday: Hm Pizza



The weekend is up in the air, Dh works on Saturday, could be a couple hours, could be all day, who knows ?? And I need to do my monthly grocery shopping trip which I will be taking 3 children along on so it will more than likely be something quick and easy since I will most definitely be SPENT/DRAINED but my munchies will still need fed so I'm all about some quick and easy dinner!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Menu 6/17-6/23

Here it is Tuesday again, lol I'll be on time one of these days, at least that is the plan right?? lol

Monday ( last night)- BBQ Chicken, potato salad, green beans, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers - We were supposed to have this meal on Sunday but dh came home from the Canoe trip he and my oldest went on absolutely exhausted and several hours overdue so by the time we were all in the same place at the same time we decided to postpone our Father's Day meal and we ordered Pizza instead. Not such a great idea for the budget/wallet but we decided to call it a mercy meal and just roll with it. I'm glad we did, we were all over done and over tired from the weekend.

Tueday- Pan fried fish and french fries

Wednesday- Sausage patties, eggs and fried potatoes

Thursday- BLT'S- my oldest has scouts so this will be a fast meal when he gets home!!

Friday- Loaded Stromboli for the adults, mini hm pizzas and bread sticks for the kiddos and any leftover lettuce and tomato from BLT night will be made into a simple salad to go with the strombolis

Saturday- Burgers on the grill, on hm rolls, garlic roasted potatoes

Sunday- It's a toss up I've got a whole chicken in the freezer but I also have some ribs frozen as well. I guess it will depend on what dh is craving and if he has to work or not. There's been mention of some upgrades or something that he has coming up, he'll be working from home but depending on how involved the work is he might have time for a big Sunday type meal or he might just want something quick so he can get back to work.

So there ya go that is our meal plan for the week.

I forsee us needing Milk, eggs, tomatoes, and possibly mozzarella cheese but nothing else. I need to check the freezer seems to me like I have mozzarella cheese. If I do that would be awesome. Trying hard to stay out of the stores. Money is tight and it seems to only be getting tighter and I need to cut back where ever I can so that I can have the money for back to school needs.

I've clipped my coupons as well and will see if there are any "can't pass up" deals when I go out to get the few items I need for this meal plan.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Menu this week 6/10-6/16

Yep, late posting this again. Oh well I'm trying to be better about it, I need to be more accountable so that we eat out less and spend less. Having a plan has helped me do that in the past and with school getting out soon and my eating machines being here all day everyday I need to be on top of meals, snacks and I need them to be frugal so my hope is that having a plan will do that for me.

Monday (last night, lol) We had Italian Sausage links, onions, peppers over rice

Tuesday ( or tonight's dinner) We'll being having Fried Chicken Salads with hm croutons made with leftover hot dog rolls.I've made these before with a recipe at a restaurant I worked at in my teens. The batch I am making today will be by the seat of my pants and from memory. My oldest would eat these like chips so I'm hoping they turn out, it will do wonders for leftover bread from cookouts and such. Is is me or do there always seem to be an odd number of buns leftover from cookouts?? What ever buns don't end up as Croutons will be made into bread crumbs and I want to try my hand at Homemade Shake and Bake.

Wednesday: Beef and Shrimp Kabobs either over rice or with baked potatoes- My oldest is "graduating" from 5th grade/elementary school and moving on to the big league of MIDDLE SCHOOL so we're celebrating a bit!!! I'm planning on making a pan of brownies and having some icecream to go with it!!!

Thursday: Spaghetti/Manicotti, garlic bread

Friday: Baked Chicken Pieces, mashed potatoes, green beans and hm rolls- My oldest is headed out for a weekend of scout camping and I want to send him off with sufficiant meal before he leaves. I swear they don't feed those boys enough. They come home from these camping trips RAVENOUS!!! lol Could be they eat just fine and they're just growing boys, but at any rate I want to make them a decent meal before they leave!!

Saturday: Is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL so I am planning on burgers on the grill!!

Sunday  Is Father's Day and I want to drop by the cemetary to visit my daddy, and then come home and honor my children's Daddy with a decent meal on the grill. I am truly blessed to have had the father I had, and blessed again for my children to have the father they have.  One of my daddy's favorite thing to grill out  just so happens to be one of my hubby's favorite thing to grill out too and that  is BBQ CHICKEN.  I can take it or leave it but I plan on marinating some chicken in greek seasoning and also grilling some BBQ chicken as well. It will be a chicken feast which is right up my Hubby and sons's alley!!

Enjoy your week!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Menu 5/28- 6/8

Tonight (Tuesday) Scout night : Hotdogs, and chips
 Baked Fish, Baked Potatoes, Spinach
 Burgers on the grill, sides to be determined
 Grilled Marinated Flank Steak, Rice, grilled veggies
End of Year Picnic for scouts
 Biscuits and gravy
 Brats, Italian Sausage grilled with french fries
 Breakfast for dinner Pancakes, and eggs, juice
 Potroast with potatoes and carrots
HM Pizza
Casserole To be Determined

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Its a really scary word. Terrifying actually especially when you've seen it happen up close.

Mammaw had a stroke. Typing it out doesn't make it any easier, but it happened and now we have to figure out where to go from here.

Our Thursday started with a jolt. Normally I take the phone to bed with me ya know just in case.. Wednesday night I forgot and I awoke on Thursday morning to hearing the phone ring but I couldn't find it. Turns out I had left it in the livingroom. By the time I got to it, it had stopped ringing and quickly searching the caller id and saw that Mammaw had called 3 times. Why did it take me so long to hear the phone ringing and wake up?? I called her back and she said she couldn't breathe. She sounded like she was drowning and I told her we were on the way. I yelled at Mike to get his pants on and get over there. Thank God we only live a few houses away. I called 911 and gave them all the info and as soon as I hung up the phone I went to get my oldest up so he would be up if the youngers woke up and I got dressed as fast as I could and left for Mammaws house.

We beat the rescue squad there. And once they did whatever it is they do they loaded her up and took her to the ER. They told us that it was just a breathing issue and that she'd be fine.
 Mike came home and finished getting ready and left to follow the ambulance. I got the kids dressed and the boys off to school and tried to regain contol of our day. After all they told us it was a COPD flareup and they would get it under control and then release her.

Mike called a couple hours later to ask me to bring Mammaw some clothes that they were fixing to release her and they had brought her into the ER in her PJs and she needed shoes to walk out of there.

I arrange for Kara to stay with the neighbor and make my way to the hospital with Mammaw things. Once there Mike steps out so I can help her get out of the hospital gown and into her own clothes.

And that is when I noticed it.... Something was wrong. She looked horrible and I couldn't make out anything she was saying. I asked her if she felt well enought to be leaving and she attempted to tell me something but it just came out a slurred frothy garble. I asked the nurse to come and see and explain to me what was wrong. The nurse said that she didn't know that she was fine just a wee bit ago but she would call the dr in and have her recheck. I go out to the waiting room and get Mike and tell him what is going on and he too said she was just fine what happened.

While they had her flat on her back assessing and treating the COPD she was semi ok, the hospital, EMS, and even us attributed her not being able to speak well to her lack of oxygen when she said she wasn't able to breathe. But once I stood her up and tried to get her clothes on the blood and oxygen flow was restricted.
We waited to have CT and MRI scans and while we waited she seemed to get worse. Finally we got a diagnosis of Stroke and things went in a whirlwind from there. From the ER they moved her to ICU.

But there is good news, she's doing so well. The only and I mean ONLY indications of a stroke are her slurred speech and a slight facial droop but with the medication she's on that has improved GREATLY. She so far as we can tell has not lost any response in her limbs and her speech is improving every day. We were told yesterday that they moved her from ICU to STEPDOWN at 1am, STEPDOWN is not quite ICU but not out on the regular floor in a regular room either. Then we were told that they would be moving her from STEPDOWN to a regular room sometime last night and hopefully they will be letting her come home sometime on Monday.

So we are waiting to call this morning to see how she's doing and then dh will head up, we can't take the kids up there until she's in a regular room so I'm staying here for now and trading out with Dh when needed.

I'd be lieing if I said we were good, truth is, this has been such a roller coaster, fear, worry, panic, we've run the gambit but in all of this I'm glad I've got GOD on my side and I know that he is in control and I am so glad he is because these past few days I've felt like my world was spinning out of control.  My prayer is that she continues to get better. I don't think she'll ever be 100% but I'll take what I can get and we'll deal with whatever our new normal is as it comes.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I did not give permission for this

Growing up that is. He just went and did it without even concidering how it would make me feel.
Truth is I'm not ready for it.
My oldest just left for his very first ever-all by hisself -without his dad along- Boy Scout Camping Trip. And I am as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. This is not a good feeling I can tell ya.

Sure he's been on lots of camping trips and I do mean lots, but Big Daddy has always been along as Scout Leader.

Big Daddy says that our boy has been asking to camp with the guys by hisself and he feels confident that its time to let him spread his wings of independance a little. Me on the other hand I just want to stomp the brakes and be "Hey no one asked if I was ready for this!!" And to make matters worse I'm not allowed to tell him I'm worried because that will only weigh on him and make it harder for him to break loose of always being under our thumb. So don't tell but I am worried!!!

Do I think he'll survive the night?? YES, wholeheartedly yes, but its the little things that worry me. Like will he get enough to eat, What if he gets sick, what if, what if, what if??

Truth is I trust the Scout Leader. I truly do. He's a great guy and infact I sit either right in front of him or right behind him every Sunday during service at our Church. He's great on a personal level too and he's a very well trained, well informed, well knowledged scout.

So I know things will be fine, I do but the mommy in me wants to keep him little much longer than I'm getting the option to.

Truth is I'll worry till he comes home and once he gets here he'll probably tell me what an awesome amazing time he had and I'll end up feeling foolish for worrying in the first place. And I'll put on my biggest smile and say Oh I knew you'd love it bud!!!  Ugh this being a momma is hard!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday 5/15/2013

Good morning!!

Just another day around the house for me today. But a busy one to be sure, really aren't they all :) Better to be busy than bored I guess!!!

Today so far I've gotten dh's lunch packed and he's off to work, the boys are buying lunch at school and they were on time for the bus this morning. I've painted Missy Prissy's fingernails and toenails. I've got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded and going, the washer and dryer are both going. I would love to hang out clothes on the line but it's still really cloudy and grey out there so I'll hold off in case it rains. I've got hamburger thawing for dinner tonight.

I still need to:
work on finishing laundry today, hopefully catching it up completely today
Bake a batch of pepperoni rolls for the kid's lunches
Bake a pan of brownies also for lunches
Straighten the house
Work on Scout BBQ TICKET SALES paperwork to turn in tomorrow night
work on Kara's room or the boy's room either one they both need done AGAIN, grrrr
Sweep and hopefully mop the kitchen, livingroom and bathroom
Work on coupons and sales ads
Work on grocery list

BUSY BUSY BUSY but its all good. Its warming up steadily so I know soon I'll be in the garden full time, so while I'm not I'd better get everything else caught up. Infact with all the rain that we've gotten lately once I get the house back in shape and everything dries out, outside, I'm betting I'll be fighting the jungle that is now my yard and the weeds that are trying to take over the flower/veggie beds. Its war and I hope to win it!! lol

Dinner tonight is Unstuffed Peppers, Mashed potatoes, green beans and maybe rolls

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Frosty Tuesday Morning to Ya!!

Frosty?? Yes Frosty!! I can't believe how unbelievably cold it is. Last night we were warned of temps of 32* and frost.  And with all the rains we've had lately I haven't been able to get into my garden at all. It just sits out there tilled and ready but with all the rain we've gotten recently I'm pretty sure its soggy and muddy too. I've got last falls green onions going to seed but I know I'll sink ankle deep the minute I go out there to get them, I sit, cold and frustrated.

I brought all the seed starts in last night. The ones that had already sprouted are doing fine, the ones I restarted haven't sprouted yet at all. But again with the cold wind, rain and frost, I'm guessing it will be a late garden season if anything sprouts at all. I would hate to have to buy plants at the nursery, its not my first choice but like I mentioned to another blogger this morning, neither is starving, and with kids to feed I'm not above buying plants if I need to.

So now my very small house is also home to a kitchen table full of seed pots and seedlings and we're hoping for the best.

Since I can't get outside, my attention will be inside today. I've got laundry to catch up and regular housework. I really need to tear apart my kids rooms and sort clothes and toys and try to get a handle on that overwhelming mess!! All in due time I suppose. So that's my plan for today, stay inside (to stay warm, lol) and stay busy with laundry and various household chores!!!

Enjoy your day!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Planting more seeds

So this year I decided to plant as much as I could for my garden from seed. I've had some good results and some not so good results. To be honest I think my not so good results are because I am impatient and rushed things a bit. But you live and learn right??

So I decided yesterday that it wouldn't hurt a thing if I planted more seeds for our garden. I replanted some of what didn't make the first go around and then I planted more of some that are doing well and with all the seeds I am hoping for the best.

I planted alot of seeds yesterday: 2 kinds of tomatoes, jalapenos, bell peppers, asparagus seed, cucumbers, to name a few.

I know that if they all survive that I will have WAY MORE than we will use and I hope we do so that I can give some plants to a dear friend who lives close!!

Dh says he hopes to get into our garden this weekend and get it tilled up. I plan on using some advice/tips from Brandy by using my empty canning jars as mini greenhouses. Yes I know impatient but hey she's had great results so it can't hurt to try.

Dh and I have also talked about putting in an asparagus bed. We've discussed it before both of us thinking it was a good idea but we never got past the "thinking on it" stage. Now that we've started seeds, we've got the push to get something done. We know our seedlings won't produce for a couple of years but if we don't get something started we'll never have any asparagus.

Dh's talking about enlarging our garden, its not very big to begin with and it wouldn't hurt for it to be a bit bigger, especially since I got a little crazy with the seed planting, but I'm guessing we'll start in the fall and clear and till and amend for next years garden.

In the mean time any extra plants we end up with will be shared with friends and any extras we can't get rid of I'll plant in the flower beds, lol  I plant flowers in the vegetable garden ( marigolds between the tomatoes-helps with bugs) why not plant vegetables in the flower beds?? :)

Enjoy your day!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A month since my last post..

I wish I could say I was off on some lavish vacation but reality I was just busy...with life... with my family...with my kids and my husband...Just busy. And thats ok!!

I'm sitting her this morning having already packed the bubs and the boys lunches and gotten them off to work and school, and I am waiting for the chill to leave the air just a bit before I take the laundry out to hang on the line.

I've got it figured that with nice weather I can hang out all of  our laundry except 1 load of socks, underwear and bras that I'll put in the dryer.  With 5 of us, plus towels and bed linens, hanging out all but one load has got to be saving me some money on the electric bill...I mean right?? I hope so anyway!!

We've also not had any heat or air on. Its not been really needed. There have been some cool nights and mornings but thats what blankets are for so we're managing.

I am also planning on making my own laundry soap again. It does save and with this new recipe I'm planning on using I'm sure the laundry will smell amazing!!

The kids are busy with scouts and doing well in school.

I've started some seeds and have had the normal ups and downs, infact the downs are being replanted today. I am hoping like each and every year to have more successes than failures. My family is growing and so are their appetites.  :) and I'm ok with that.  My oldest is darn near as tall as I am and he's only 11 and his little brother who is 7 isn't far behind him, Our little girl who is 3 everyone thinks she's 5 so yeah we grow'em big 'round here, lol   Besides homemade is just better all the way around. Cheaper, tastier, healthier. Yes its more work but its worth it.

28 days left of school and I think I am looking forward to it more than the kids are, lol

So I guess that makes us all caught up, well at least mostly!! Hope it won't be another month before I post again.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday!!! 4/5/2013

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Happy Dance Time!!!!

Today has been a productive day so far!! Before I even had my first cup of coffee, I was up, dressed, got Miss Priss dressed, packed lunches, saw hubby off to work, gathered up the kids, picked up dh's gram, dropped the boys off at school, ( Drank coffee on the way, lol) went to Lowe's, bought softener salt for her and our water softeners, Poked around in the garden dept, bought potting soil and windshield wiper fluid and back home!!

Now I've fed Priss and she's busy with Dora the Explorer, I've checked emails and now as soon as I finish up this second cup of coffee I plan on getting busy!! I've got cookies to bake, laundry to do (don't we always?) House to pick up, dishes that will need doing, Seeds to plant, flower pots to scratch around in. LOTS TO DO!!

Busy day, but the weather looks like its shaping up to be a gorgeous day maybe a little cool but its warming up day by day!!!

Enjoy the day!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday 4/4/2013

Good morning!!!

I've packed 3 lunches, changed and dressed Little Miss and myself and got the boys on the bus off to school.

The remainder of my day will be caught up in Laundry, dishes, general clean up and a couple of errands.

I may start some cookie doughs today too,and just store them in the fridge till I'm ready to bake tomorrow.

I am baking cookies for us to have for snacks and lunch boxes, for my husband's cousin's son who is away his first year at college and for a mission of our church which is to minister to a woman's correctional facility. The last two are new to me, as I've never had a family member away at college so in addition to the hm cookies, I've bought a few things a while back to tuck into the care package I'll be sending. Goodies such as those Mio drink mixes, some gum, microwave meals etc. Hopefully it will all brighten his day. The cookies for the correctional facility is a new one for me too, a lady in our church has been ministering to these ladies for a couple years at least, I don't know all the details but I know they need God in their life. They ask churches from all around who are apart of this mission to bake cookies to help reach out to these ladies who need GOD to be a front line presence in their lives. The rules are very strict, the cookies can't have certain ingredients because I guess they can be used to make bootleg alcohol and some ingredients can cause false results on drug screenings?? Like I said I don't know all the details 100% but I have been so blessed by our church that I feel led to contribute and make some cookies and hopefully they will do the job of reaching these ladies in need.

Thats my plan for today aside from housework, errands and hopefully some prep work for cookie baking, my only other plans are to make some dinner and love on my people!! Loving on my people is my absolute favorite thing to do ♥

Dinner tonight is Beef and (lots of ->) Veggie stir fry over rice!!

I hope you have a blessed day!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I'm sure you already knew that but I could have shouted that very statement from the rooftops today!!

Let me set the scene:

I'm 2 weeks behind on my monthly grocery shop, for various reasons. Sick Hubby, sick daughter, snow/bad roads= no school, this that and the other is all why I didn't make it to to the shopping when I was supposed to.

Add in quick frantic unplanned stops here and there to pick up this or that and you guessed it I've completely blown my budget but and here's the kicker: The Cupboards are pretty much bare.

So I take a look at my cash flow, and what I have in my account, mentally subtracting gas and tolls for the hubs to get back and forth to work plus a bill I know is due etc and yep you guessed it, I am sweating bullets. Trying to figure out how to get the groceries with out depleting the bank account.. Yep I am stressing.

Here's what I did:

I got the sales ads and went over them with a fine tooth comb, maybe even ultra fine tooth comb. Then I looked over my coupons, made a menu, made a list, pared it down, set it down and walked away, came back, looked it over and pared down again and finally came up with a workable menu that everyone will enjoy and that I hope will NOT completely deplete the bank account and I set off this morning with my skimpy list, my fist full of coupons and my sales ads.

First store was Walmart, I get what I can get thats on my list and I head to check out, the total was WAY less than I imagined and I am feeling pretty good, I hand the cashier my coupons and 11.00 comes off plus I had some ad matches and BOOM, I am cheezin!!! I am so happy with my total!! But I am still not done, next store was Martin's where I get my meats and well they aren't exactly budget friendly, well at least not my budget but then again meat is pricey no matter what your budget, I mean.. right???

So I get to the second store with just a hand full of items to buy, feeling pretty good about saving pretty good  at the last store. I get to the meat dept and OMG its like they were having a special sale JUST FOR ME!! I was able to buy all the remaining items on my list and then some and then some more everything I needed was on sale and I never saw those items in the sales flyer, I was completely amazed and giddy picking up those deals and still only managed to pay 107.46  Originally my total was 186.56 and after my coupons and loyalty card it came down 79.10!!!! Instead of buying just a couple meats and making them into rubber meals- you know the ones that SSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTRRRRREEEEEETTTTTTTCCCCCHHHHHH.
I was able to buy all the meat I needed PLUS some extra for the freezer!! It was amazing!!  I am on a grocery shopping high!!!!

I give all the glory to GOD!!! I did the leg work and searched the sales, did the matches, clipped the coupons but GOD gave me the gift to do these things, I stressed so much on being able to afford enough groceries to get us through until dh gets paid again and still have gas and toll money, I can't tell you how much I stressed. It just goes to prove that GOD knows our hearts, he knew I was stressed and I should have known that he had everything under control!!! Shame on me for worrying in the first place!!! I feel so blessed!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday 3/26/2013

Good morning!!!
Today is back to business day around here. We had a no school day yesterday due to snow but today things are back on track!!

So far I've made the bed, packed the lunches, got Hubby and the boys off to work/school and then Little Miss and I are back home and I've called to check on Hubby's Gram.

Now I am enjoying a second cup of coffee and planning my day.

Yesterday was a pretty productive day, I did laundry most of the day, this is what my bed looked like when my husband got home from work, keep in mind that I still had a load in the washer, a load in the dryer and had already put away 2 loads...

Goodness and you just know that after baths were taken I have more laundry waiting on me today. I hoping with the weather warming up hopefully soon that I'll be able to do a load each morning and hang it out, then maybe my monday's won't be so laundry filled??

Yesterday I paid bills, and I also straightened up the bathroom, swished the toilet, watered my plants, cleaned out the refrigerator in anticipation of grocery shopping this week at some point, ran the dishwasher several times and prompted the boys to spend time cleaning their room, which produced a couple bags of garbage( school papers, broken toys, wrappers off of various things-where do they get all this mess?) and it also produced a garbage bag of clothes to donate that are too small for my yougest son and a basket of clothes too small for my oldest son that I'll pack up and save for my youngest son. So yeah it was a busy day. And that list didn't even include meals and butt changes, lol 

My list for today is shaping up to look like:

a couple loads of laundry
lay out something for dinner/meal preps
work on grocery list
clip coupons from the weekend and go over grocery ads
Work in my kitchen, it needs a good straightening and needs to be swept
Straighten up the living room and sweep/vacuum in there as well
I also need to make some Pizza rolls for lunches and possibly some cookies for lunches as well.
Bag and take away the trash

So again busy busy!!

Dinner tonight I think is going to be chicken alfredo and broccolli!!
Enjoy your day!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Yep that about sums it up. I'm tired, plum tucked out!!! It's been a long but wonderful day!!

This morning EARLY we got up and roused everyone from their warm snuggly beds and got everyone ready, loaded the packed cooler into the car and we were off....

We met the Boy Scout Troop at our church and after all the last minute confusion settled we caravanned down to Monticello. The home built and owned by Thomas Jefferson.

It was a little over 2 hr drive, I think mainly because there were so many of us trying to get in and out of traffic and with pee breaks and such- I mean seriously if  anyone thought they were going to take children on a car ride and not have to stop at least once to potty they've flipped their lid, anway we got there, to the parking lot and set up lunch. Mostly everyone brought a bagged lunch or they just snacked a bit but after lunch we bought tickets and were shuttled up to the house and given a tour of the main floor of the house then left to our own to tour the grounds and outbuildings, and rooms on the lower level.

This was my second trip and it was amazing I loved it!!

We left Monticello and ate at Michie Tavern, expensive but delicious!!! We also toured there a bit too and ended up at the general store.

It was a long day, my dogs are howling barking  but the kids had a great time!!!

Now the great task will be to talk my children into getting ready for bed since they all slept part of the way home, we've got to get some sleep so we don't miss church in the morning.  Wouldn't it figure, they are wide awake and my butt is dragging!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pizza Rolls and Life Lately

I really need to be more diligent on updating this blog.

First off Annie and Tiffani, the recipe I used for the pizza rolls can be found here:
PS I read this blog fairly regulary and have made several of her recipes all with great success!!

Changes I made/Things I did  were:

I did not cut up pepperoni to add into the dough
I did not add mozzarella cheese to the dough
I used Mozzarella string cheese inside the roll
I used sliced pepperoni inside the roll - like 6 slices per roll but you could certainly add more to make up for what you didn't put in the dough at the begining
I did not use hot pepper rings- I made these for the kids, although I think it would be tasty if I were making them for myself :)
I completely enclosed the roll, so that nothing could ooze out- no pepperoni grease or melty cheese could get out, these were for school lunches after all and needed to be as neat as possible. Well I mean as neat as possible concidering they were going to school with an 11 yr old boy and a 7 yr old boy who in all defense are messy by nature so I had to try something to keep them clean right??? I enclosed them because I envisioned if I didn't - pepperoni grease on the outside, thus on their hands and where do they wipe their hands? YEP on their clothes so really I did it for me, to save me time, and headache trying to get grease out of their clothes. But do what you like as far as rolling them up, its a personal preference really. Or a sanity saver move, you decide, lol

I baked them on a silpat type mat  on a baking sheet till they were lightly golden brown.

They were great room temperature, great out of the oven and great frozen and thawed  and then room temp in lunch boxes. They were delicious, the bread was soft and they reheated well ( the hubs prefers them warmed as opposed to  room temp) WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN, get the idea :)

You could buy jarred sauce to serve with them but I make my own out of a .44 cent can of tomato paste, minced garlic a pinch of sugar, sprinkle of salt and PLENTY of yummy herbs - basil, oregano, italian seasoning, what ever you like. infact I was a die-hard Ragu girl and I haven't bought any of that in FOREVER, because hm is cheaper and better.

So there ya go, make some, I hope you like them!!!

And as far as Life Lately????? Its been alot of the usual around here. Last week I had a birthday on Wednesday. I do have to admit it was one of the best birthdays in a long time.  Tuesday Tiffani and Phoebe came down for a play date and lunch out. We went for mexican, it was YUM, complete YUM  and then we went shopping at the garden center. Tiffani bought a tree to mark a memorial for her son, whose birthday would have been Thursday, and I bought some houseplants -Shhhhh don't tell the hubs, he hates them, says  he thinks its my goal to make our house look like a rain forrest/Jungle, probably shouldn't tell him that I bought 3 and then saw another I wanted and Tiffani said Oh oh I have a big one of those at home I'll start you some, lol so don't tell ok because now I have another one coming :)  -  The big funny is I brought those plants home after our day out and planted them lickety split and then discarded the evidence in the garage- I totally intend on reusing those pots the plants came in, and its been over a week and he hasn't noticed  I even have them or if he has he hasn't said a thing.......
Tuesday night my bestie suprised me and came over and brought me flowers and a card then we had dinner. Then I finally got to bed around 11:30ish, then at Midnight dh woke me up and wished me a Happy Birthday and told me how much he loved me, AWESOMESAUCE!!!
Wednesday my actual birthday day I got lots of calls and cards, hugs and kisses from my kids -MORE AWESOMESAUCE- and  had lunch with my grandparents, then when the hubs got home he brought me flowers!! Red and white carnations, I love them, I think they smell great and last longer than roses. Thye are still as beautiful when he brought them home and tomorrow will be a week and trust me they have been sniffed a million times by my 3 yr old, so they've been through the ringer.
All in all it was a great birthday.

I'm still working at the Michael's teaching the cake decorating classes, doing cakes on the side is either really busy or slow so it comes in waves.

And we're itching for it to warm up so we can get into the garden and get some veggies going. Soon we'll be busy busy but I love it...

So that's been life lately.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Frugality...No one ever said it would be easy!!

I've made more work for myself , but I think in the long run it will be soooooo worth it!!!

So last week I posted that I had started bread dough to make my own Cinnamon Swirl bread to use in french toast I had planned for dinner. Well the verdict? WIN!!  Everyone loved it and agreed that no only would it be great in french toast but as regular toast as well!! Infact I plan on making some very soon again toasting it and smearing it with hm apple butter, oh man I can hardly wait!!

My other frugal accomplishment is hm lunchables!! I admit to buying them for my boys, when they are on sale, if I have a coupon or just out of time saving nessessity, but I haven't been able to afford them as of late. No sales and no coupons, make them out of my price range, and ya know even with sales and coupons they are still way too expensive and really not alot of food for my growing boys.  I've been packing their lunches and they were only getting the store bought lunchables maybe 2x a month anyway so I didn't think they missed having them as a treat but I was wrong. My oldest came home from school last week and said that one of his school mates had this pizza roll thing that kinda looked homemade but he wasn't sure if it really was but boy would it be great to have something like that in his lunch and could maybe I come up with something like that .... So..Yep you guessed it I did some internet searching and found a recipe and made up a batch. And they were so well recieved that I made up another batch yesterday. They haven't made it into lunch boxes yet, that test will come tomorrow but so far the ratings are good!!!

Regular lunchable that my boys like cost me something like 3.49-3.99 each, they come with a deep dish pizza, and do it your self toppings (approx. 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese, I think like 5 pepperonis, and approx. tablespoons of sauce) they also have 2 oreo cookies, a indv. pack of cheese nips type crackers and a small drink.

I was able to make 16  pizza rolls and it cost me 1 tablespoon of yeast, some granulated garlic, not quite a whole package of pepperonis and 8 cheese sticks, flour, salt, etc. I got 16 for less than I can buy 1 lunchable. For dipping sauce I use 1 can of tomato paste .44 and some seasonings, lets say a generous .75 total  but it has to be less than that. I also can purchase regular size boxes of  cheez it crackers at the discount store for 1.49 and then break them down into indv. size bags, I can make my own cookies, and the drink boxes I can get those at the discount store too and they are much healthier as they are the veggie/fruit fusion juices and they also cost me 1.49 for 8.

So lets do the math: if I assume the 16 pizza rolls cost me around 4.50 ( I paid 2.49 for a package of pepperoni but didnt' use it all, lets figure 1.00 for 8 cheese sticks and another 1.00 for yeast and flour I think I am being generous on numbers) The sauce cost me .75

Pizza rolls 4.50+.75= 5.25  assuming 2 rolls per serving 5.25/8= 0.66 per serving
Cheez its 1.49/8 = 0.19 per serving I can probably get way more than 8 baggies of cheezits out of a box so this would be cheaper too but just using 8 as a basis
I am going to say ..25 for cookies, I think this is very generous, but I have no idea as I've never priced them out but my recipe makes TONS so they gotta be a little bit of nothing once we've got a ton baked up.
Drink boxes 1.49/8= 0.19 per serving

Grand total .66+.19+.25+.19= 1.29 compared to 4.00 yeah I'll take it and its cheaper than even the icky school lunch which costs 2.20 and they come home starving because they won't eat most of it because they say its not any good. So score one for mom!!! Score big for the grocery budget!!! Not to mention my family LOVES homemade so TRIPLE Score!!!

So now that I've opened this "homemade" can of worms I've created more work for myself but both recipes were so stinking easy its not really all that much work and the benefits are MORE than worth a little of my time!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday 2/28/2013

It's the last day of February!! Oh my time is speeding past me. I have so many things I want to accomplish and time just keeps getting away from me!!! Gotta be more focused!!

Ok so for day, my plans are:

Pack dh and boys lunches get them off to school/work- done
unload and reload dishwasher- done
I need to clean :

Start Dehydrator- done, its loaded with cilantro ( I bought a bundle, only used a bit and am chosing to dehydrate the rest in order not to waste money even though it was bought on sale and I got my money's worth out of it already, SAVE SAVE SAVE is my new mantra, lol
Make our bed, and Kara's Bed, wash the boys sheets and then make bed
bake cake and decorate it to be picked up this evening- HIGH PRIORITY

Start working on a gift from my Christmas gift list- Pattern is already chosen, yarn and needle bought just gotta get started!!

Prep Dinner- Easy Peasy, Just need to thaw beef and chop veggies for stir fry!!

Oh and I need to make lunch for Kara and I

Doesnt' look like alot but I'll keep busy for sure!! oh and FYI the Cinnamon Swirl bread from yesterday was a hit, glad I didn't buy the name brand over priced stuff!!!

Enjoy your day!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday 2/27/2013

Its late in the day. I just started some bread dough to rise. Dh said he'd like to have breakfast for dinner and we've discussed buying that Preperidge Farm Cinnamon Swirl bread to use for french toast. There's no doubt in my mind that it would be delicious but I can't bring myself to pay such a high price for such a small load of bread so I decided to make a loaf of Cinnamon Swirl bread and see how it goes.

I went to the market today and did the majority of my grocery shopping, I still need to go purchase my meats and plan to do so later this week if the weather holds.

We also went first thing this morning to take dh back to the dr for a recheck, a whopping waste of time and money that was but its done and over with now. He could have just called and gave them an update instead we paid our co-pay for them to take his temperature and ask him how he was feeling then tell us they would see him in 3 weeks for more tests ( urine culture). Frustrating doesn't even cover it.

Anyway my plans for this evening are to get my groceries put away, tidy up around here and push a load or two of laundry through the paces.

Hope you have a wonderful evening!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 2/25/2013

Good morning!!!

Today is a busy busy day!! I have alot to do, make that lots and lots to do today!!

The plague stomach bug swept through here last week,  so as you can imagine not a whole heaping lot got done around here, my main objective for a few days was to hold the couch down, lol.  Once I was sure we were all going to live, I started washing all the yucky laundry, the towels and blankets that didn't escape the path of Hurricane Vommitto, which put all my regular laundry on the back burner. 

I did get some laundry done over the weekend, I had to make sure no one was going to be naked right?? But I worked friday night  helping out a friend at an auction and didn't get home till 1am and then turned around and was back to the other job  teaching cake decorating early the next morning so by the time I made it home saturday afternoon I was SPENT!! When my youngest went down for her nap and asked me if I would lay down with her I was MUCH TOO PLEASED TO SAY YES DEAR MOMMA WOULD LOVE TO LAY DOWN WITH YOU and so I did, which again put things on the back burner. I rushed through getting dinner made then went to bed and slept till 9 am which made me miss church but to be honest I needed sleep.

We would have ended up staying home anyways, dh I think has a kidney stone and so we are taking him to the dr today as he has been completely miserable all weekend long. Poor fella!!!

So my plans for today so far have been get the laundry going, I've got a load in the washer and a load in the dryer and its fixing to stop so I can get another load started I'm making progress :), I've gotten the boys dressed and off to the bus and school, and now I need to finish getting little miss and myself ready to take dh to the dr's for lab work and appts to see if we can find him some relief. I've had a kidney stone and I know the pain it is so I feel so bad for him.

The rest of our day? Who knows, I hope to get some more laundry done thats a biggie!! But we'll see how the day goes!!!

enjoy your day!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Is Spring here yet??

Ok normally I wouldn't complain but I am ready for winter to be over and for spring to be here already.

I am sick......AGAIN.... and I am TIRED.OF.BEING.SICK!!!

Seems like no sooner that we get one child over it then one of us has it. This crud has entered my home and tooks it sweet time getting to know each of us personally. Its like a merry go round minuse the merry. I am ready for it to be done now Thank you very much.

Today will be another day attempting to keep my sinuses open enough so that I may continue breathing, all the while trying NOT to cough as my esophogus is begging for mercy.

Fun times...Yeah NOT.

In all seriousness I do hope that I starting to get over this, I need to be getting better!! I am FAR to busy with a VERY long to do list to continue with being sick. I need to work this weekend, my kids have their pinewood derby this weekend and I have a speaking part a church this sunday, yeah I gotta get better!!

Ok so there, I'm done with my pity party.... Let the healing begin!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday 2/1/2013

2 hour delay!!

Just goes to show that this mom should pay more attention to the weather forcast,lol
Kara and I ended up sleeping in the livingroom again last night. She has a horrible cough caused by drainage and she's all stuffy so another night under the vaporizer for us. She slept well, me not so much, lol and I was woken up by the sound of the phone ringing, which was weird I thought for it to ring that early in the morning, turns out it was the rapid response system from the school announcing a 2 hr delay. I listened to what it said then hung up the phone and was still puzzled, could've been I was still half asleep, but I couldn't wrap my head around a 2 hr delay so I let the dog out and sure enough...............SNOW!! Hmm I really probably should make and effort to watch the weather, lol  I honestly had no idea we were in for snow. We got a decent skiff of snow, thus the 2 hour delay.

A OK with me, less rushed morning, hanging out with my kiddos, yep I can handle it!!

So my plans for today are still the same, just starting later!!

I need to tidy up around here, get dinner planned for my kids, then be ready to go to ladies night when my mom gets here this evening after work!! She's going to hang with the kiddos until their daddy gets home from work then he'll take over till Mama gets home!!

I'm looking forward to ladies night!! Hanging out at my best friends house, girl talk, good food, a glass of wine and what the heck a Tupperware party thrown in for good measure!!  A mama needs a chance to recharge her mental batteries once in a while!!  Then home to my little people and the hubs!! Sounds like a perfect evening to me!!

So that's my day!! Work tomorrow for a few hours!! Then home to hang out with favorite people!! Love the weekend!!!

Hope you enjoy yours!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31st, 2013

Well that's it, just like that an entire month of the new year is over as of today. The older we get the faster time seems to fly by, how I wish I knew how to slow things down.

Kara is sick again, to be honest I think its more that she kept a little of it all along and its just decided to cause trouble now. So she and I slept out in the livingroom last night, under the cloud of humidifier vapors, her on one couch me on the other, hoping the menthol vapors would aid her breathing and help her get some rest. A 3yr old who is up several times a night and doesn't get good nap due to stuffy head and coughing is a bad bad thing. She's be grouchier and grouchier as the days went by so it was time to take some serious action. She slept a bit better last night than she had in a few nights, she only got up once but once is a whole lot better than 3x + a night.

And no wonder why everyone is sick, 60*-70* weather monday and tuesday, then torrential rains and howling winds met with dramatically lower temps last night and this morning. This winter has been a merry-go-round of temperatures and conditions. Warm one day,snow and ice the next.

My day today will be mostly at home, I have laundry to catch up, meals to prep and the house to pick up. I hope to be able to go shopping this afternoon, I need some meats to get us through the month. I hope to find some great deals and not spend a fortune. We are seriously trying to eat all our meals at home and save some money, we have gotten very lax on eating out and we need to cut that out, we have several Dr Bills I would like to be able to pay off this year  and the sooner the better.

Not sure about dinner tonight, I need to check with the hubs and see what he would like to have for dinner tonight.

Enjoy your day!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday 1/28/2012

Good Icy morning to ya!!

We've started our day with an early morning phone call announcing school is out for the day (AGAIN) due to bad weather conditions. Right now it is currently sleet and freezing raining down on us. It's supposed to taper off later this morning and hopefully warm up some. Only time will tell!!

I really need to go grocery shopping, but with this weather and 3 kids home I don't know that I see it happening today.

I've got some leftover roast in the fridge I think I'll put in the crockpot to warm slowly for dinner tonight. Hopefully I have enough potatoes and sides to make into a great dinner for tonight. Since the meat is essentially already done I think I'll make some hm bread to go with it. Baking will warm the house up and this crew never turns down hm bread, so I'm sure it will be a hit!!!

Other plans will have me doing laundry and picking up this house, I told my husband he really should fire his maid, lol she certainly slacked off this past week.

Hope you have a great day, stay warm and be Safe!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday 1/21/2013

Good morning!!

Today is a no school-kids home all day- we're staying home all day- kind of day! Except for scouts later, we're not leaving the house!! Plus its like 20* out there! C.O.L.D !!

This is a new week and looking back over last week, we did well to not eat out, even on the weekends, even after church there was no family eating out!!! Which is a good thing because we've ran the bank acct way to low and payday is still a ways away. I'm dissapointed that we did this but less stressed because I did a big grocery shop at the end of last month and we've got enough to last us till pay day, except for a loaf of bread or a bag of chips for lunch boxes, we're doing ok, the bills all got paid so thats the big thing and really we need to stay out of the stores and out of the restaurants!!

So being home, with no money gave me time to concentrate on HOME and the things needed to make it run and how can I do it better, cheaper??

Here are somethings we've done this week to curb our spending or to be frugal:
We repaired a pair of dh's work pants, saving us as least 15.00 or more over having to buy new pants. I can usually get his work pants for 15.00+ on sale through a mail order company. Buying them name brand in town they are something like 40.00+ a pr. Being able to repair the clasp saved us tons!!

We ate all our meals at home. The boys had money in their lunch accounts and eat a few meals at school each week but mostly I pack both of their lunches as well as dh's lunch everyday!! Kara and I ate leftovers or whatever we had on hand for our lunches. But ya know now that I think about it she and I did eat out while we were at a play date, but that money didn't come out of our bank account it was money I had scraped together for just that occasion. So I guess I can't say we ate ALL of our meals at home, because she and I did eat lunch at a playdate.

We normally have hm pizza on friday night- which saves us from ordering out but I didnt' have enough cheese to make our normal pizza night so I used what I did have to make a pizza-esque lasagne. It was really good. Just like a supreme pizza only with lasagne noodles instead of crust, I also didn't have any ricotta so we just used a little mozzarella, it was different but it got eaten so I guess it wasn't to hateful, lol

Just being home,saved us on not using gas. Thats huge. And speaking of gas, I did need to fill up in order to be able to go to work, but I used my bonus points that I had been saving for a good long time and was able to fill up for 1.95 a gallon, I saved 1.40 a gallon with my gas points, AMAZING savings!!

I clipped most of my coupons yesterday and still have some to clip and hopefully I can match the coupons I have with whats on sale so that come payday we can restock the cupboard as cheaply as possible.

oh and a kitchen tip which is also a way to save money is: I will no longer buy those glass liquid measuring cups. They look great for a while then eventually the measurements start to fade off the side and they are essentually useless!! Instead I've been using my canning jars!! I have a quart size and a pint size canning jar with raised measurements on the side. I've tested using both in several recipes and they work great!!

Ok thats enough of my rambling for now!!
Enjoy your day!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Plans for today 1/17/2013

I am staying home- HOPEFULLY, lol

I have so much to do that I am behind lists... ahh the list goes on and on!!

So thats what I'll do today as well as mending, cooking, hopefully small snippets of crafting/gift making will take place here as well.

Not sure what dinner is tonight, I need to go looking  in the freezer to find out!! :)

Have a great day, the washer just stopped and I am determined to stay on top of my chore list and get done today!! Wish me luck!!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday 1/15/2013

Good morning!!

Here we are 15 days into the new year and I am still having to remind myself to type 2013 instead of 2012!!!

Today is my neice Lacie's birthday!! She is 11 today!!!

We are staying home for the most part today. I ended up taking K to the dr yesterday, she's a pretty sick little girl she's got an upper respitory infection, a really nasty middle ear infection and acute conjuctivitis in both eyes. She was so pitiful Sunday night that Monday morning I called the dr as soon as the office was open.

They've got her on 2 really strong antibiotics, the one she takes only 1x per day and the drops she uses 2x per day. The amazing thing is that these antibiotics must truly be a miracle drug because she's up and running around, her eyes are so much clearer and she's essentially acting like her bubbly happy self, which is a true blessing after seeing her crash and be lathargic and so sick just Sunday night. I'm not one of those run to the dr kind of mom's every time they sneeze funny but I am so glad I took her and she's back to her happy little self!!

So other than the dr yesterday we've been holed up at home pretty much quarantined ourselves to give the antibiotics time to do their thing and to make sure no one else came down with anything. I am happy to report that the boys are great, Daddy and I are fine and looks like we escaped sharing the ickies!! 

I've got laundry to do and normal household chores. I'll lay out some chicken breasts for dinner, I promised B that I would make him one of his favorite dinners tonight Crispy Chicken Alfredo, I'll also make Broccolli and Corn, the kids like corn and Daddy and I prefer broccolli!!

K has a date today with the couch propped up and watching movies. I'll join her, I've got crochet work to do, coupons to clip (2 weeks worth, I'm a slacker, lol ) and so we are just taking it easy to make sure she's continuing to heal and get better, she's doing great the meds are definately working but I want her to have the best possible and quickest recovery, so she can enjoy her play date scheduled for this week, its been months since she's seen her little friend and I want to make sure she's good and on the mend before we get there, we don't want to share any yuckies with our friends!!

So thats our day today!! Hope you enjoy yours, and be careful!! Looks like some nasty weather could be moving in tonight!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday 1/10/2013

Good morning!!

My plans for today have been changed  *again* so I am just going to stay home  and catch up with things around here!!

I was supposed to help a friend today with her kids, but thats been changed.  Her husband is having surgery today, My friend is really sick and so are most of her kids so instead I'll make dinner for them and take it over later once they are all home.

I've cut alot of meat off of a ham I've baked recently and froze the dices to use later on, I've got the ham bone cooking in a huge pot and a 2 pounds of beans soaking. I'll cook the meat off the bones and then make some good bean soup!! I'll make some corn bread to go with it as well, then once they are all home I'll take it over for them to enjoy and give her the night off. This pot of soup will make plenty for us and plenty to share!! And its all from leftovers  except for the beans I LOVE IT!!!

While that ham bone boils away I've got tons to do here, laundry, dishes and regular housework. I  also need to read over my books and make sure I am ready for my class on saturday. and I have kids to love on!!  Busy Busy and I love it!!

Enjoy your day!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday 1/3/2013

Wow that feels weird to write, 2013!!!

Today is a back to normal kind of day for us, I've packed the hubs lunch and he is off to work, the boys are off to school and that leaves little miss and I home today to take care of the laundry, dishes and housework.

I am fixing to put some leftover roast in the crockpot to cook off the bones and I'll turn it into dinner for tonight.I am thinking beef and gravy over hm buttermilk biscuits mmm sounds good to me. Or maybe beef, mushrooms and gravy over rice, mmm either way it will be great. Great for the budget to use up leftovers and great for the tummies because they'll be full of yumminess!! Win-Win if you ask me!!

Looks like this week will be full of leftovers. I baked a ham on Sunday. We've been enjoying it since!! On sunday we had Ham and Fried Potatoes, Monday dh took a ham sandwich in his lunch box, then Monday night we had more Ham made into Ham, egg and cheese on Toast, YUMMY. Today dh took a ham sandwich in his lunch box,and if I get to it today I plan on cutting up what I can to make him sandwiches for the rest of the work week, and also to cube some to use in fried rice. I also have some veggie platter leftovers from Saturday's birthday celebration for our daughter, I'll use the veggie platter leftovers in stirfry, there's carrots, broccolli, snow peas and celery, that will make a great stir fry!!  That ham was decent size so I'm hoping in addition to the  fried rice I have planned I'll be able to freeze some for later use either in more yummy fried rice or with eggs in an omlet or in Scallopped potatoes with ham, hmmm I LOVE leftovers!!

Well I better get busy, lots to do and just me and Boo here to get it done!! I'm thankful that we took the tree down yesterday while everyone was here to help, thats one less thing that needs done :)