Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday 1/15/2013

Good morning!!

Here we are 15 days into the new year and I am still having to remind myself to type 2013 instead of 2012!!!

Today is my neice Lacie's birthday!! She is 11 today!!!

We are staying home for the most part today. I ended up taking K to the dr yesterday, she's a pretty sick little girl she's got an upper respitory infection, a really nasty middle ear infection and acute conjuctivitis in both eyes. She was so pitiful Sunday night that Monday morning I called the dr as soon as the office was open.

They've got her on 2 really strong antibiotics, the one she takes only 1x per day and the drops she uses 2x per day. The amazing thing is that these antibiotics must truly be a miracle drug because she's up and running around, her eyes are so much clearer and she's essentially acting like her bubbly happy self, which is a true blessing after seeing her crash and be lathargic and so sick just Sunday night. I'm not one of those run to the dr kind of mom's every time they sneeze funny but I am so glad I took her and she's back to her happy little self!!

So other than the dr yesterday we've been holed up at home pretty much quarantined ourselves to give the antibiotics time to do their thing and to make sure no one else came down with anything. I am happy to report that the boys are great, Daddy and I are fine and looks like we escaped sharing the ickies!! 

I've got laundry to do and normal household chores. I'll lay out some chicken breasts for dinner, I promised B that I would make him one of his favorite dinners tonight Crispy Chicken Alfredo, I'll also make Broccolli and Corn, the kids like corn and Daddy and I prefer broccolli!!

K has a date today with the couch propped up and watching movies. I'll join her, I've got crochet work to do, coupons to clip (2 weeks worth, I'm a slacker, lol ) and so we are just taking it easy to make sure she's continuing to heal and get better, she's doing great the meds are definately working but I want her to have the best possible and quickest recovery, so she can enjoy her play date scheduled for this week, its been months since she's seen her little friend and I want to make sure she's good and on the mend before we get there, we don't want to share any yuckies with our friends!!

So thats our day today!! Hope you enjoy yours, and be careful!! Looks like some nasty weather could be moving in tonight!!!

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