Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday 5/15/2013

Good morning!!

Just another day around the house for me today. But a busy one to be sure, really aren't they all :) Better to be busy than bored I guess!!!

Today so far I've gotten dh's lunch packed and he's off to work, the boys are buying lunch at school and they were on time for the bus this morning. I've painted Missy Prissy's fingernails and toenails. I've got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded and going, the washer and dryer are both going. I would love to hang out clothes on the line but it's still really cloudy and grey out there so I'll hold off in case it rains. I've got hamburger thawing for dinner tonight.

I still need to:
work on finishing laundry today, hopefully catching it up completely today
Bake a batch of pepperoni rolls for the kid's lunches
Bake a pan of brownies also for lunches
Straighten the house
Work on Scout BBQ TICKET SALES paperwork to turn in tomorrow night
work on Kara's room or the boy's room either one they both need done AGAIN, grrrr
Sweep and hopefully mop the kitchen, livingroom and bathroom
Work on coupons and sales ads
Work on grocery list

BUSY BUSY BUSY but its all good. Its warming up steadily so I know soon I'll be in the garden full time, so while I'm not I'd better get everything else caught up. Infact with all the rain that we've gotten lately once I get the house back in shape and everything dries out, outside, I'm betting I'll be fighting the jungle that is now my yard and the weeds that are trying to take over the flower/veggie beds. Its war and I hope to win it!! lol

Dinner tonight is Unstuffed Peppers, Mashed potatoes, green beans and maybe rolls

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Your supper sounds good. I need to put that back on my menu. My family liked it when I tried your recipe.

    Have a wonderful day.

