Thursday, May 2, 2013

A month since my last post..

I wish I could say I was off on some lavish vacation but reality I was just busy...with life... with my family...with my kids and my husband...Just busy. And thats ok!!

I'm sitting her this morning having already packed the bubs and the boys lunches and gotten them off to work and school, and I am waiting for the chill to leave the air just a bit before I take the laundry out to hang on the line.

I've got it figured that with nice weather I can hang out all of  our laundry except 1 load of socks, underwear and bras that I'll put in the dryer.  With 5 of us, plus towels and bed linens, hanging out all but one load has got to be saving me some money on the electric bill...I mean right?? I hope so anyway!!

We've also not had any heat or air on. Its not been really needed. There have been some cool nights and mornings but thats what blankets are for so we're managing.

I am also planning on making my own laundry soap again. It does save and with this new recipe I'm planning on using I'm sure the laundry will smell amazing!!

The kids are busy with scouts and doing well in school.

I've started some seeds and have had the normal ups and downs, infact the downs are being replanted today. I am hoping like each and every year to have more successes than failures. My family is growing and so are their appetites.  :) and I'm ok with that.  My oldest is darn near as tall as I am and he's only 11 and his little brother who is 7 isn't far behind him, Our little girl who is 3 everyone thinks she's 5 so yeah we grow'em big 'round here, lol   Besides homemade is just better all the way around. Cheaper, tastier, healthier. Yes its more work but its worth it.

28 days left of school and I think I am looking forward to it more than the kids are, lol

So I guess that makes us all caught up, well at least mostly!! Hope it won't be another month before I post again.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I have been on your blog. I had lots of catching up to do. You have been very busy. Congratulations on getting all your groceries under budget. I agree God is so good! We started lots of our garden from seeds last year but this year we have bought the plants. I was curious about your new laundry soap recipe. I make our laundry soap as well and was wondering if you would share your recipe. I am always on the lookout for something new. Enjoy your day and God bless.
