This morning EARLY we got up and roused everyone from their warm snuggly beds and got everyone ready, loaded the packed cooler into the car and we were off....
We met the Boy Scout Troop at our church and after all the last minute confusion settled we caravanned down to Monticello. The home built and owned by Thomas Jefferson.
It was a little over 2 hr drive, I think mainly because there were so many of us trying to get in and out of traffic and with pee breaks and such- I mean seriously if anyone thought they were going to take children on a car ride and not have to stop at least once to potty they've flipped their lid, anway we got there, to the parking lot and set up lunch. Mostly everyone brought a bagged lunch or they just snacked a bit but after lunch we bought tickets and were shuttled up to the house and given a tour of the main floor of the house then left to our own to tour the grounds and outbuildings, and rooms on the lower level.
This was my second trip and it was amazing I loved it!!
We left Monticello and ate at Michie Tavern, expensive but delicious!!! We also toured there a bit too and ended up at the general store.
It was a long day, my dogs are
Now the great task will be to talk my children into getting ready for bed since they all slept part of the way home, we've got to get some sleep so we don't miss church in the morning. Wouldn't it figure, they are wide awake and my butt is dragging!!!
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