Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!!

Good Morning!! The hubs is sleeping in, he deserves it, after all it is Father's Day. We celebrated last night with Steak on the grill and baked potatoes.

I'm on a roll so far today, lol , So far I have switched over the laundry, started a new load and that load is now in the dryer. I've unloaded, and reloaded the dishwasher, bagged up the 3lbs of hm jerky I made yesterday. I've laid out my boy's clothes for church and am fixing to get her royal cuteness in the tub. (<- She played out and fell asleep not long after dinner last night so no tubby for her till this morning!!!) And all that after only 1 cup of coffee!!

I've poured another cup of coffee and am headed to take Kara to the tub and then need to get the kids and I ready for church.

So far so good here, have a great day!!!
Hopefully I'll be able to check in later!!

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