Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another Day, Another Day full of housework planned......

Today is shaping up to be just as busy as yesterday.

I was able to wash and hang out 4 loads of laundry yesterday, as well as wash and dry inside 2 loads.

I paid bills.

I did 2 loads of dishes in the dishwasher.

I started cleaning out the boys room, ugh seriously, what a mess. Today more work will be done in there. I can't believe they let it get so bad. I have totes for toys but everything is mixed up and tossed about, ugh, BOYS!!!!

I need to clean out the fridge.

I need to gather up and take away the trash today.

I also need to water the garden.

SO MUCH TO DO, and only 1 me!! I swear the more I clean up and try to organize the more they mess up in another room.

Such is the season of my life right now!!

Not sure about dinner, I am thinking Beef and Veggie Stirfry, I need to see what I have in the freezer. With so much that needs doing around here I am really trying not to have to go to town.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have another busy day. I well remember those days when my four were younger. Have a great day with your family.

