Good Morning!! TGIF!!!
Today is a busy day and boy is it hot!! When dh left to go to work this morning he opened the door and you could just feel the humidity!! Its like a sauna out there!!
I just came in from watering, gotta give my garden a fighting chance, especially since our chance of rain is an isolated thunderstorm and they are only predicting a 20-30% chance of that happening!!
Speaking of the garden, I gotta tell ya I love love love living in a small town!! Yesterday I went over and borrowed my daddy's truck so that the kids and I could take away our garbage and pick up some straw from the feed mill. Well after running our errands we stopped by the feed store and when I was getting out of the truck a local farmer Billy (whom I've known my entire life) asked me what I was in for, I told him straw and maybe a couple of hot pepper plants, he asked me if I needed any watermelon or cantelope plants and I told him it wouldn't hurt to have a few more and he offered me some extras he had at his place (farm) so I finished my business and went over to the farm and he told me to take all I wanted he had put in all he was gonna and he hated for the rest to go to waste. So I ended up with an entire flat of watermelon, an entire flat of cantelope, almost an entire flat of squash and a flat of misc. plants that I had no idea what they were till I got them home. Turns out they were Thai basil <- not entirely sure what to do with that one, hot peppers, a couple different tomatoes, and I think a strawberry plant!!! I told Billy that I would share all that he had given me and he was just happy that they would be put to use and not die out on the side walk because he might forget to water them! ~smile~
What a blessing!! I shared plants with my mom, kept some for myself and most of the plants went to a good friend of ours who is in the same boat as the rest of us, 1 income, she stays at home only they have 5 kids!!!! We are both trying to grow as much as we can, can and freeze as much as we can and free plants from great farmer neighbors is amazing way to help us get there!!!!
With money not going as far as it once did its good to live in a small town, where the neighbors look out after each other and help each other!!!
I do love living in a small town!!!
Oh and a heads up, when I went to return the truck to my mom, my middle child was playing on her swing set and he was stung 2x within like 5 minutes, my mom took him and sprayed some anti-itch spray on him that she had picked up hoping to take the sting out and keep it from bothering him. Immediately after spraying the anti-itch spray on him his back where ever the spray touched him was red like koolaid and been poured over him it was scary. My mom took him in the house and washed him off with soapy water and it started to fade slightly, I put the kids in the car and came home as fast as I could because I wanted to get some benedryll in him because it seemed he was allergic to the spray someway. I got him home and by the time I got home (thankfully she only lives about 5 miles away) the redness was almost completely faded. I called to get the active ingredients of the spray so I could look them up on the internet, the active ingredients her benzyl (sp?)alcochol. Zinc acetate, camphor and menthol. Turns out Camphor is not safe for kids in high concentrations and it will cause severely red irritated skin, which is exactly what happened. My mom feels horrible but it was no fault of hers at all and thankfully he is completely fine, I gave him a dose of antihistimine and also put some anti itch cream on his bites (after reading the label, ha) and he is AOK!!! He had me worried but it turned out fine!!!
I told dh that we need to make sure that our vehicles have meds that are safe incase of being away somewhere and the kids get a bug bite I won't have to run home or to the store I'll have the proper stuff with me.
Thats about it for me, got get off here and get busy!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
That's a good idea to be prepared for an emergency. That was awesome getting the free plants. I know they will come in handy. We like living in a small town too. So nice. Enjoy your day and God bless.