Thursday, June 7, 2012

First Day of Summer Vacation

Good morning!!

Yesterday was the last day of school and I am now the proud Mama of a upcoming 5th and 1st graders!!
Today being the first day of summer vacation and I am thankful for a more slower pace!!!

My focus for the day today is allow the kids to relax a little but we still have much in the house that needs done so I am looking forward in getting caught up!!!

There's laundry, dishes, and the normal every day things that need done.

But without having to run back and forth to the bus stop 3 times a day there will be plenty of time for them to just be kids and play!!!

Dinner tonight is Ham, fried Potatoes, and lima beans and corn!! I might even whip up a pan of brownies who knows!!

Have a great day!!


  1. I hope that you all have a great summer. It is nice to be done for the school year.

    Have a wonderful day with your kids.

