Friday, August 5, 2011

Today is the day!!

School supplies shopping!! My oldest is a pro at this, lol he is going into the 4th grade this year but his little brother will be starting Kindergarten this year and as excited as he is about new pencils and glue sticks he would be just as "happy staying home with mama thank you very much", lol So he has said to me!! He thinks Kindergarten will be just fine but thinks it would be better if I came and waited for him in the parking lot, ya know the entire time he is in school, lol Its a time of adjustment for us all but I know he will love school!!

Soon it will be just me and miss boo at home. I don't know what I will do with just one at home but I am sure I will come up with something. *wink*

Little Miss Boo will surely miss her big brothers!! But there are books to read, movies to watch, dollies to play with and lets not forget piggy toes to paint!! She's really young so it will be a big adjustment watching her big brothers get on the school bus when she isn't going to get to go along. We'll get along just fine though!!

I can't believe how fast they grow!! I swear I feel like I just barely brought them home from the hospital now I have a 4th grader, a kindergartener and the "baby" will be 2 in December!!

The old saying is true is Time really flys when your having fun!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for them. I remember doing that with my kids. Now with us schooling at home we just buy notebook paper and such. This year we will have two in college (one 2,000 miles away) and two in high school.

    Have a great day with your family.

