Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28th 2014

Good Morning!! I'm sitting here drinking my last cup of coffee for the day and then I must get busy here at home. I have alot to accomplish today.

So far this morning I have:

Packed 2 lunches - Hub's and our oldest's, my other son decided to buy today
Hubs and the two boys are off to work and school
Made breakfast for my little miss

To do today:
Work up the rest of the green onions for the dehydrator
* check on drinks and make tea and lemonade as needed
* check on lunch making supplies and bake, prepare lunch items as needed for the remainder of the week
* lay out chicken to thaw for dinner
* straighten and clean up
Laundry- Should have 2 -3 loads
Straighten livingroom- sweep and mop floor
Straighten Bathroom
Straighten hall way
Trash- get all gathered and ready to go to dump for tomorrow
Grocery list and coupons- keep working on finalizing list and clip coupons  ( I'm behind on my clipping - BOOOO)

That's enough to get me started I think. I hope to get all that done and then some!  And if there is time left in my day after meal preps and chores I hope to work on some sewing!!

Lunch today is either sandwiches or leftovers or something quick and easy
Dinner tonight is Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and a veg just not sure which one yet :)

Have a Blessed Day!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday 5/21/2014

Good Morning!!

Another day at home for me today :) and yes I'm happy about it!!

Today I plan to bake bake bake!! I want to make some breakfast muffins and snack cakes. I have a fair amount of things that need attention here. General straightening and setting everything right about the place.

And then..... And then I hope to sew!! My girl needs some clothes that are appropriate to wear. I've not found in town anything that is to my liking or that my wallet liked. The clothing is either too short for my tastes or too expensive so the only other alternative I have is to make her something. I don't normally sew clothing so wish me luck ? If this little shorts and top experiment turn out then maybe just maybe I'm on to something here!! Which will be a blessing considering she starts preschool in the fall. I could very well be sewing quite a lot. Now to find a way to do it inexpensively!!

Dinner tonight is Chicken Alfredo, Yum!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Tuesday!! 5/21/2014

Good afternoon!!

Today is a day spent at home for me. And thank goodness too because there is a lot that needs to be done around here!!
 I'm behind on the laundry, dishes and the trash needs taken away.
 Then there is the cleaning up of the rest of the house, coupons and grocery lists, and I bought a new pattern and some material to make miss priss some shorts that her father will approve of. Really the clothing available for even little girls is just too SHORT, there is hardly an inseam at all. Blech!! So hopefully I can put together some cute outfits for her.

That's my day today, just busy and home :)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Menu Monday

Monday- Pancakes and Sausage

Tuesday- Fried Chicken Salad, baked potatoes

Wednesday- Chicken Alfredo over Penne, broccoli

Thursday - Chuck Roast, mashed potatoes, green beans

Friday- Hmmm undecided and the weekend is up in the air too, lol  Maybe I need more coffee, lol

Our Weekend

Another busy weekend is behind us. I cried Uncle late last night and declared the Weekend the victor as I was applying Aspercream to my legs and taking Advil in hopes that I could have a pain and ache free night of sleep.

Our weekend started out busy and stayed that way right up until dark last night when we called it quits.

Friday the kids were out of school due to flooding and boy did it flood. When we went to bed on Thursday night it sounded like someone had just turned the water hose on and laid it on top of the roof. The rain didn't even sound like rain it sounded like pouring water from a faucet.

With both the boys home from school we went out to get the supplies for the Scout Troop lunch on Saturday. It was a very simple lunch- cold cuts, chips, apples and juice.

Saturday we got up early, I packed us a lunch in the cooler and we all loaded up and met the Scout Troop at the church. We situated the scout lunch stuff in coolers and packed extra drinks and we were off. 5 cars full of Adult Leaders and Boy Scouts headed to Gettysburg, PA. It was an all day excursion, we visited the Military Museum, watched a movie, took in the Cyclarama and then visited the Museum and gift shop. Then we drove a little ways taking the car tour around the battlefield till we found a spot to pull off and make lunch. We set up all the lunch fixings on a rock wall buffet style. The Boys and Leaders could go through the "buffet" and make whatever lunch sandwich they wanted. We had Turkey, Ham, Salami, cheese, Chips, Apples and juice. I had packed our lunch ahead of time to after all that walking we chose to just lunch in the car. I got our softsided cooler out of the trunk and we just ate our packed lunch in the car. We had a similar lunch, sandwiches, chips/pretzels, apples, peanut butter crackers, water. Then we cleaned up, packed up and took in more of the car tour. Then headed home. We met back at the church to drop scouts off to parents and then called it a day. After a long day of driving and walking, hubby treated us to dinner at Outback. I was back home in in bed before 10. I have no idea when the boys went to bed, but Little Miss and I were out!!

Sunday we got up showered and headed to church, Hubs and the boys stayed home. When I got home from church Hubby sent me to get our gas cans filled while he worked in the yard. I filled the cans and came back home, hubby was ready to go so we left the kids here to watch a show, headed to town. I dropped Hubby off at Lowes to get fencing supplies and a few other things we needed while I went next door to Target for Sugar and Dog food. I met up with Hubs and Lowes and I picked out a few more plants while I was there. Then we grabbed a fast lunch and then headed home to have lunch with the kids. After lunch we gassed up all the equiptment and he went to work on the garden fencing and tilling while I got on the mower and started mowing. After I got the yard mowed I helped hubs in the garden. We planted 23+ tomatoes, 6 bell peppers, 1 tabasco, 2 cayenne, 40 onions and 2 pumpkins- YES REALLY, and YES I did just plant over 100 seeds at Paps but the hubs said those were old seeds and what if they don't come up. So I just went with it, lol We worked till dark and then called it quits. I was D.O.N.E!!

Still to plant is the beans, cucumbers and any other plants that the kids started from seed that have made it. But that is for another evening,lol

And that was my weekend!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Please Lord, let it be fruitful"

This is the prayer that slipped past my lips on Tuesday.

Tuesday with the help of my mother, my Aunt and my Pap -who at 77 mostly supervised we put in about an acre of garden. I'm not great with measurements but that was what the told me and by the time we were done it felt like a football field size garden, lol I was one tired, dirty but pleased lady!!

So what did we plant exactly?? Well we planted:

6 Yellow Squash
6 Zucchini
6 watermelon
6 cantelope
1lb of corn
2 lbs of beans (2 different kinds)
100 lbs of potatoes
24 better boy tomatoes
6 yellow tomatoes
24 cucumbers
12 Bell Peppers
8 purple cabbage
12 green cabbage
2 rows of green onions - these actually still need to go in but I left room for them
100+ pumpkin seeds - Yes really, I don't know what I was thinking either, it was the last thing I planted and I think the heat was getting to me and I lost all reason and just went with it. Truth be told, I planted old seed, I don't even know if any of them will come up, I'm betting on most of them not but if they do, at least I can put the pumpkins in the basement come harvest time because they won't need to be worked up all at once.

Oh and this is the garden I planted at my Paps house. He doesn't garden any more but he doesn't mind helping if you want to garden, he just won't put one out for himself. He played supervisor most of the day, lol, it was a good job for him, he has a hip that doesn't like to cooperate much.

We got a really good rain  that evening after it was all planted, and so it was just in time.

I still plan to plant the garden at our house too, its not anywhere near as massive in size as the garden at Pap's but it certainly has worked to keep us fed and that is a blessing. We hope to get it planted this weekend. Weather permitting.

I am hoping to cut my grocery bill way down by being able to can most of the harvest from both gardens. Money continues to get tighter, my boys eat like men and soon our youngest will be headed off to school so I know expenses will only continue to increase.

I don't have control over paychecks, but I do work hard to keep our other bills low as I can so we can manage with what we have. With the costs of things continuing to go up this has been a constant struggle. I'm hoping the garden will alleviate some of the cost of feeding my family.

"Please Lord Let it be Fruitful"

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday 5/7/2014

Good Morning!! My hubby is off to work, and my boys are off to school. So far this morning I have packed dh's lunch, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, moved the load of laundry I washed before bed to the dryer and started another load of clothes in the waser. I promises rain to day so it looks like the dryer will get used more than I'd like today but I can't let anyone go bare so it is what is is!! Now, I sit here enjoying my coffee and thinking about the rest of  my day.

*I need to pull something from the freezer to thaw for dinner tonight.
*Continue on with laundry and hope to stay on top of it, considering the very busy weekend we will have, I can't get behind.
* Plant the herb seed I didn't get to yesterday
* Tidy Kitchen, livingroom, bathroom and hall, then sweep or vacuum.
* Replant some cucumbers by seed. We had some come up and not make it or not come up at all, So I intend to reseed and hope for the best
* Call dh's gram and check in on her
* Call my pap and check in on him

Lots to do as always, this list is just the highlights, lol

Hope you have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday 5/6/2014

I'm a list maker, I love lists. They help me get things done when my mommy brain gets frazzled!! I follow Brandy at, she's a list maker too. She makes lists of what she wants to accomplish for the week, as well as lists of what she actually accomplished for the week. Its helpful I'm sure to her or I imagine she wouldn't take the time to do it. Lists are very helpful to me. So I thought I would share my list with you.

My goals for today are to:
*Take my middle son to school- normally he catches the bus but I need to pick up a few things from town so I'll drop him on my way
* Go to the Market and pick up a chicken and a few other things I'll need to make some soup for my husband. I believe seasonal allergies have gotten the best of him and he actually has a sinus cold and maybe even a sinus infection brewing. HOMEMADE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP to the rescue....or so I'm hoping, if nothing else it will be a comfort to his sore itchy throat.
* Plant more herbs
* Finish up laundry from yesterday- I had a bunch to start with that needed folded, then I washed and hung out 3 loads to dry, and today I need to put it all away as well as wash a load of whites.
* Clean up my house, and get it company ready before Friday
* Make list of what I need to make for my oldest son's scout troop's bbq fundraiser dinner that is being held this weekend. (Parents are in charge of desserts and I'll need to make a few)
*Order supplies for a large cupcake order that I'll be doing the beginning of June :)
* Clean out my fridge- its over due and scary, lol
* Clip my coupons, ad-match, make my grocery list

And you know as a mom there's more that needs to be done but I'm drawing a blank, so I'll stop now but who knows I may be back to add more!! 

Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday 5/5/2014

Happy Monday!!

Plans for today are to catch up the dishes and the laundry, and then work on cleaning up the house!!

Not sure about dinner, I'm thinking it may just be hotdogs at the campfire at Cub Scouts tonight, lol

Have a wonderful week!!