Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday 9/5/2012

Good morning!!

Checking in here after quickly checking other blogs I like to read before diving in to get my chores done!!

So far today I've packed dh's lunch, and he's off to work I've gotten the boys breakfast got them ready and off to school. Little miss has had her breakfast and is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and playing while I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. Then I sat down to call and check on dh's gram, she's 88 and my morning ritual wouldn't be complete without calling to check on her!! I call every morning, drink a cup of coffee and we swap plans  for the day and just talk!! I love her to pieces!!

Now I am checking in here, and then off to get busy in my house!! How productive I will be today with my 2 yr old under foot, who knows but I got to at least try :) I told dh's gram that I also needed to clean Little Miss's room and told her if I didn't call her in the morning she should probably send help, lol Boy she can rip apart a room faster than anything. Her daddy calls her Karacane because after she's done in her room it looks like a Hurricane hit it, lol

I've started working more on Christmas gifts too!!! But only in down times. I have yarn stashed in my car, its for a project I am working on for dh for christmas. Hopefully in the car he won't notice it, lol I've been working on his gift while I wait for the bus in the mornings and afternoons. I've also got a cone of thread set up next to "my spot" in the livingroom so that I can work on crocheted snowflakes in the evenings after dinner when we watch tv. Not sure if the snowflakes will actually make it as gifts or if they will just be put on our tree. I haven't decided yet. I've got some fabric stashed that I would like to make gifts for my boys with. My plan is to pick one day a week as a crafty sort of day and work on things while Little Miss naps.  Speaking of Little Miss I've picked out a pattern for a hooded sweater that I would like to make her and I think I've spied a yarn that I want to crochet it with. I'll need to pick that up soon in order to get it going as well. Hopefully a sale will come or I'll find coupons to make it more affordable. I love making gifts for my family!!!

Well that is about it, I've got to get busy!!
Dinner tonight is the kids favorite Chicken tenders and hm french fries, daddy has a meeting he needs to go to and will pick up a sandwich on the way from work to the meeting so the kids and I will have kid food, lol They are super excited!!

Hope you have a great day!!!

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