Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hope Chest Suggestions???

I have a neighbor friend whose daughter is I think 15. The mom and I have discussed how we had a hopechest and how it helped us get ready for life on our own and the daughter seems somewhat curious. So being that no one, including this family has any money these days I was wondering what suggestions you might make for someone who wants to fill a hopechest, what could she make for her hopechest?? The only thing I can think of is blankets, pillow cases, quilts.
Is there anything else she could make??


  1. I have crocheted my daughters pot holders. They also have got some dollar store measuring cups and spoons. Someday I would like to do a quilt for when they get married. I made each of my girls quilts for their twin size beds.

    Have a wonderful evening with your family.


  2. Cheryl that sounds wonderful!!!
