Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday 2/28/2013

It's the last day of February!! Oh my time is speeding past me. I have so many things I want to accomplish and time just keeps getting away from me!!! Gotta be more focused!!

Ok so for day, my plans are:

Pack dh and boys lunches get them off to school/work- done
unload and reload dishwasher- done
I need to clean :

Start Dehydrator- done, its loaded with cilantro ( I bought a bundle, only used a bit and am chosing to dehydrate the rest in order not to waste money even though it was bought on sale and I got my money's worth out of it already, SAVE SAVE SAVE is my new mantra, lol
Make our bed, and Kara's Bed, wash the boys sheets and then make bed
bake cake and decorate it to be picked up this evening- HIGH PRIORITY

Start working on a gift from my Christmas gift list- Pattern is already chosen, yarn and needle bought just gotta get started!!

Prep Dinner- Easy Peasy, Just need to thaw beef and chop veggies for stir fry!!

Oh and I need to make lunch for Kara and I

Doesnt' look like alot but I'll keep busy for sure!! oh and FYI the Cinnamon Swirl bread from yesterday was a hit, glad I didn't buy the name brand over priced stuff!!!

Enjoy your day!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday 2/27/2013

Its late in the day. I just started some bread dough to rise. Dh said he'd like to have breakfast for dinner and we've discussed buying that Preperidge Farm Cinnamon Swirl bread to use for french toast. There's no doubt in my mind that it would be delicious but I can't bring myself to pay such a high price for such a small load of bread so I decided to make a loaf of Cinnamon Swirl bread and see how it goes.

I went to the market today and did the majority of my grocery shopping, I still need to go purchase my meats and plan to do so later this week if the weather holds.

We also went first thing this morning to take dh back to the dr for a recheck, a whopping waste of time and money that was but its done and over with now. He could have just called and gave them an update instead we paid our co-pay for them to take his temperature and ask him how he was feeling then tell us they would see him in 3 weeks for more tests ( urine culture). Frustrating doesn't even cover it.

Anyway my plans for this evening are to get my groceries put away, tidy up around here and push a load or two of laundry through the paces.

Hope you have a wonderful evening!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 2/25/2013

Good morning!!!

Today is a busy busy day!! I have alot to do, make that lots and lots to do today!!

The plague stomach bug swept through here last week,  so as you can imagine not a whole heaping lot got done around here, my main objective for a few days was to hold the couch down, lol.  Once I was sure we were all going to live, I started washing all the yucky laundry, the towels and blankets that didn't escape the path of Hurricane Vommitto, which put all my regular laundry on the back burner. 

I did get some laundry done over the weekend, I had to make sure no one was going to be naked right?? But I worked friday night  helping out a friend at an auction and didn't get home till 1am and then turned around and was back to the other job  teaching cake decorating early the next morning so by the time I made it home saturday afternoon I was SPENT!! When my youngest went down for her nap and asked me if I would lay down with her I was MUCH TOO PLEASED TO SAY YES DEAR MOMMA WOULD LOVE TO LAY DOWN WITH YOU and so I did, which again put things on the back burner. I rushed through getting dinner made then went to bed and slept till 9 am which made me miss church but to be honest I needed sleep.

We would have ended up staying home anyways, dh I think has a kidney stone and so we are taking him to the dr today as he has been completely miserable all weekend long. Poor fella!!!

So my plans for today so far have been get the laundry going, I've got a load in the washer and a load in the dryer and its fixing to stop so I can get another load started I'm making progress :), I've gotten the boys dressed and off to the bus and school, and now I need to finish getting little miss and myself ready to take dh to the dr's for lab work and appts to see if we can find him some relief. I've had a kidney stone and I know the pain it is so I feel so bad for him.

The rest of our day? Who knows, I hope to get some more laundry done thats a biggie!! But we'll see how the day goes!!!

enjoy your day!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Is Spring here yet??

Ok normally I wouldn't complain but I am ready for winter to be over and for spring to be here already.

I am sick......AGAIN.... and I am TIRED.OF.BEING.SICK!!!

Seems like no sooner that we get one child over it then one of us has it. This crud has entered my home and tooks it sweet time getting to know each of us personally. Its like a merry go round minuse the merry. I am ready for it to be done now Thank you very much.

Today will be another day attempting to keep my sinuses open enough so that I may continue breathing, all the while trying NOT to cough as my esophogus is begging for mercy.

Fun times...Yeah NOT.

In all seriousness I do hope that I starting to get over this, I need to be getting better!! I am FAR to busy with a VERY long to do list to continue with being sick. I need to work this weekend, my kids have their pinewood derby this weekend and I have a speaking part a church this sunday, yeah I gotta get better!!

Ok so there, I'm done with my pity party.... Let the healing begin!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday 2/1/2013

2 hour delay!!

Just goes to show that this mom should pay more attention to the weather forcast,lol
Kara and I ended up sleeping in the livingroom again last night. She has a horrible cough caused by drainage and she's all stuffy so another night under the vaporizer for us. She slept well, me not so much, lol and I was woken up by the sound of the phone ringing, which was weird I thought for it to ring that early in the morning, turns out it was the rapid response system from the school announcing a 2 hr delay. I listened to what it said then hung up the phone and was still puzzled, could've been I was still half asleep, but I couldn't wrap my head around a 2 hr delay so I let the dog out and sure enough...............SNOW!! Hmm I really probably should make and effort to watch the weather, lol  I honestly had no idea we were in for snow. We got a decent skiff of snow, thus the 2 hour delay.

A OK with me, less rushed morning, hanging out with my kiddos, yep I can handle it!!

So my plans for today are still the same, just starting later!!

I need to tidy up around here, get dinner planned for my kids, then be ready to go to ladies night when my mom gets here this evening after work!! She's going to hang with the kiddos until their daddy gets home from work then he'll take over till Mama gets home!!

I'm looking forward to ladies night!! Hanging out at my best friends house, girl talk, good food, a glass of wine and what the heck a Tupperware party thrown in for good measure!!  A mama needs a chance to recharge her mental batteries once in a while!!  Then home to my little people and the hubs!! Sounds like a perfect evening to me!!

So that's my day!! Work tomorrow for a few hours!! Then home to hang out with favorite people!! Love the weekend!!!

Hope you enjoy yours!!!