Good morning!!
Thanks to daylight savings time my body automatically woke me up at 5:30 !! I tried to lay there thinking I might drift back off to sleep until the alarm when off but someone must have not told the dog that the clocks were set back and so she wanted out at 5:30 as well. So I've been up for a while. Its usually never good when you beat the coffee maker out of bed,lol I decided as long as I was up I would put the dog out, start the coffee of course, lol and go ahead and get started on my day...
So far I've emptied the dishwasher then reloaded it
*Packed Mike's lunch and got him off to work
*Paid bills
*Started laundry
*Fixed a quick breakfast for the kids
*Semi-cleaned off the table- its a catch all but I've sorted paperwork, threw away what needed to go, boxed up some jars that I've used the food out this past week and then cleaned and now they are boxed up and ready to return to the garage, bagged up some canned goods for the food drive.
* worked out whats for dinner
* worked on the cub scout calendar and emailed dh all the dates (cubscouts and personal) so he could sync his calendar with whats going on
And now I am just checking in with my blog before I continue on with the day. My kids are out of school today so I hope with them here I will be able to get a good deal accomplished, the boys are great at occupying their little sister while I get things done- well most of the time, haha
Lets hope that is the case today, this house needs some TLC!!!
Still on my list of to-do's is:
Finish cleaning kitchen
Sweep and mop kitchen floor
Finish Laundry and get put away
Clean livingroom
sweep and mom livingroom floor
clean bathroom
sweep and mop bathroom floor
clean dog bedding
Bake some goodies for lunch boxes
Start Smoked ham hocks in crock pot for tomorrows dinner
and if I get all of that done then maybe tomorrow I'll be able to dig out my desk and maybe deploy some organization to the entire mess?? Who knows miracles do happen so here's hoping I can work out a homemaking one!!! :)
Dinner tonight is Lasagne, and garlic bread- if I don't have any in the freezer I'll have to make some, whats one more baked good???
Have a blessed day!!!
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