Thursday, October 4, 2012


The seasons are rushing past me!!
In a week my first born will be 11!! I can't believe it, he's growing into such a wonderful young man. He still has alot of boyish oneryness to him but I love it!!

The leaves are falling off the trees at what seems like a rapid pace, its only the 4th of October and my yard looks awful with all the leaves that have fallen.  Its getting cooler too, we had our first soup dinner the other night. The hubs isn't keen on soup for dinner when its 80*+ outside, I love soup though. But its been rainy and cool so soup for dinner was perfect!! I made 2 large pots of soup, one Beef Vegetable, and one Chili, I gave my mom a good bit of the chili when she was here but the Beef Veg soup wasn't ready yet, I'll bag up the leftovers to freeze. Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are perfect for scout nights!! Quick and easy!!

We went to a teacher conference for Brady last night, he is doing wonderfully. He's a first grader this year and at the end of last year he was reading at a "end of second grade" level. Last night she said he was reading 99% of level 27 which is the end of 4th grade, and honestly said he actually was able to read well for Level 28 which is 5th grade level but he read so fast that he lost a bit in translation so she scored him at 99% of level 27 so he could learn to slow down a bit and retain more of what he is reading. We are just so proud of him and amazed at how well he is doing. He is a straight A student getting 100% or close to in all his subjects!! I am one proud mama!!!

Colby didn't have a conference last night but with everything he is bring home it looks like he is doing just as well!!

I am so very proud of my boys!!!

Today is back to business!! I have the kitchen to clean up as well as the rest of the house needs tidied up!! I think if I get it all done I may can some dried beans. I have a good many varieties on hand, but it occurred to me that I should just can them up because if we lose power and I am rationing water, I won't have enough to soak and cook the beans. So I want to work on canning them, that way when I get a hankering for some beans they will be waiting on me not the other way around!!!

Dinner tonight is leftovers remade :)
Monday night I roasted a whole chicken, and last night I made fried chicken salad which is just breaded chicken tenders cut up over a big salad, the kids had chicken tenders with hm fries and the hubs and I had fried chicken salad, so tonight I am doing  remake of the leftovers. I have the leftover roast chicken in the crockpot with water, and the leftover gravy I made, I'll let it cook all day then strain the broth and pick the meat from the bones then make chicken and dumplings, which I'll serve with leftover salad. The kids can either have leftover chicken tenders or chicken and noodles made with some of the chicken and broth that I will use to make the dumplings. Good way to use up the leftovers and to be honest I love chicken and dumplings and really bake the whole chicken just for the hubs and for knowing I get to make dumplings out of the leftovers. Funny huh?, looking forward more to the leftovers then the original meal but its oh so yummy!!!

enjoy your day!! Mine will be staying home!! Which I love!!

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy. Our leaves should start falling soon as we have had our first frost. Thankfully we won't have as many leaves as we cut down a lot of trees this past winter.

    Kids sure do grow up fast. Way to go for Brady on reading. Isn't it great when they read?

    Have a wonderful evening. Your meals sound good.

