This is my first blog post with the new blog!!
To be honest I set up this blog because some of the blogs I frequently read have now gone private and asked that you sign in to read, well you can't sign in to read if you don't have a blogger acct. So here I am.
I am not sure what I will do with this blog, as of yet.
In case your curious I named the blog " Enjoying Life's Little Suprises" mainly because I am a sahm to 2 great little boys ages 7 and 3. My husband and I had decided that our family was complete with the 4 of us and we had continued on with life, la te da. Then almost 3 months ago we got an absolutely wonderful suprise... We are expecting again!!
Not that raising 2 boys isn't full of suprises, lol it certainly is!!
A little about us:
The hubs: In the working world he is "Geek Extrodinaire"!! His very full time job has him busy as a Network Administrator. At home he is "Mr Fun Dad" our boy's favorite jungle gym, video game player, wrestler, tickle monster, I could go on and on. He also enjoys wood working, sci fi fanatic, among other things and is a true blessing to our family!!
Me: "Suzy Homemaker Strives to Be" " Crazy Coupon Lady" Ahh she has many names, lol Mainly I am a Sahm mom to 2 great boys 7 and 3, and a new blessing due around 1/4/2010, I enjoy cooking, baking, crochet, sewing, scrapbooking, gardening, couponing.. to name a few things I like to do, lol
Oldest Son : "The Great Imagine" " The Thinker" Our oldest has such an imagination it wouldn't suprise me one bit if he was the one to one day cure cancer or end global warming, or create the next great works of art that riveled Michaelangelo. He can take a couple sticks, some leaves and a few rocks and create a whole new world for his little brother and him to play in for hours. Its amazing to see his little mind work!! He has his father's brains, for that I am sure and the potential of what his little mind will create next is just utterly breathtaking to ponder!
Youngest Son " The Great Wildcat" " The Fire Cracker" Our youngest son, to put simply I think the good Lord instilled in him enough energy to power a Rocket in to Space!! He is an ever ending ball of GO GO GO!! Its a delight to see him so excited and enthralled in whatever adventure he and his older brother are on!! He is also " Mr. One More" One more story, one more movie, one more piggy back ride, one more tickle monster attack, one more, one more, one more!!
Our boys are also just filled with love. Love for us, Love for each other and Love for others!! They are the best snugglers, hug givers, and smoochers too!!
New Baby: Right now safely snuggled inside growing, developing and becoming a wonderful addition to our family, the best is yet to be seen!!
We wait with baited breath to see the wonderful people that the children will grow into and become!! What an amazing blessing God has given us when he gave us our children!!
So that is a little about us.
Not sure the direction this blog will take if any but for the moment Hello and welcome to our spot on the web!!